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Route Services with mod_rewrite

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to Route to underlying services.

  • Learn how to conditionally Route to underlying services.


  • Docker


Routing is an essential concept of the TAG. It allows you to modify, authenticate and authorize each incoming request, before resending it to any underlying service based on its URL. It implements the same rule-based rewriting engine as mod_rewrite, with just a few minor differences.


mod_rewrite provides a flexible and powerful way to manipulate URLs using an unlimited number of rules.

Each rule can have an unlimited number of attached rule conditions. Each condition can perform tests on server variables, environment variables, HTTP headers, timestamps or even JWT properties.

The URL rewriting and matching are based on a regular expression parser, including pattern substitution with captured expressions. This allows you to achieve highly granular URL matching and rewriting.

Operations occur in the full URL, including the path-info part and query parameters. Rules are applied to the results of previous rules, in the order in which they are defined until all rules have been applied, or it is explicitly terminated.

Rules can set special actions to be performed by appending flags to tell the engine to Proxy, Unauthorize, Redirect as well as other useful actions to help on the URL rewrite.

RewriteRule Directive

To write your first Route, we need a Rewrite Rule. Let’s start with a simple one:

RewriteRule "^/movies(.*)$" "http://localhost:9080/movie-api/api/movies$1" [P]

A Rewrite Rule requires the directive RewriteRule followed by a pattern ^/movies(.*)$ to match the incoming request URL, a substitution http://localhost:9080/movie-api/api/movies$1 to rewrite the request if matched, and finally one or more flags in square brackets [P] to apply a Proxy action to the rewritten URL.

The ^ and $ characters delimit the beginning and the end of the pattern to be matched. The parentheses in the pattern expression capture a back-reference that is used as the substitute of $1 in the rewritten expression. Useful to append parts of the original URI to the rewritten one.


Assuming that TAG is running in http://localhost:8080, this rule will match all the incoming requests to TAG to the URL http://localhost:8080/movies and Proxy to the rewritten URL http://localhost:9080/movie-api/api/movies due to the [P] flag.

If we include something else in the incoming request URL like http://localhost:8080/movies/count then the resulting rewritten URL is http://localhost:9080/movie-api/api/movies/count.

Run the Sample

If you already have TAG running from another quickstart guide you can skip this step. Or if you have the container already create but stopped, start it with the command docker start tag. Don’t forget to run the container for the Movie App Sample.

Use Docker to start an instance of the TAG with the command:

For OSX or Windows:

docker run -e LICENSE=accept --name tag -p 8080:8080 tomitribe/tribestream-api-gateway

For Linux:

docker run -e LICENSE=accept --net=host --name tag -p 8080:8080 tomitribe/tribestream-api-gateway

Also, use Docker to run the Movie Sample App:

For OSX or Windows:

docker run --name movies -p 9080:9080 tomitribedev/tag-routes-quickstart-guide

For Linux:

docker run --net=host --name movies -p 9080:9080 tomitribedev/tag-routes-quickstart-guide

Try the Sample

Access TAG in http://localhost:8080/tag and log in with the credentials admin/admin. Navigate to the Routes page http://localhost:8080/tag/routes and click the + button in the upper right corner and select mod_rewrite Route to bring the Create mod_rewrite route screen. Add the example RewriteRule.

RewriteRule "^/movies(.*)$" "http://host.docker.internal:9080/movie-api/api/movies$1" [P]
You may need to adjust the hostname pattern in the RewriteRule. This is because the way Docker resolves the localhost host is different in each OS. If you are using Mac OSX or Windows no change is required. On Linux you may need to change host.docker.internal to simply localhost.
You can copy-paste the sample from this guide.
route services 01 create route
Figure 1. Create Route

Set the Name Movies Route and hit Save.

Now, in the browser of your choice, try to access the address http://localhost:8080/movies. You should get the list of movies available in the Movie Sample App as JSON:

route services 02 movies list
Figure 2. Movies List

With just a simple RewriteRule you can easily proxy an entire application.

There has to be more. We wouldn’t go for all this work just to proxy a few endpoints of an application, right?

Expand the Sample with Conditionals

Our Movie App Sample also have endpoints that allow to create with POST, update with PUT or remove with DELETE movies. This is not the desired scenario since any user could mess with the movies data.

Using the RewriteCond directive, we could verify the type of endpoint being called and have TAG apply Authentication and Authorization on it. To do this, we need the following Route:

RewriteRule "^/movies(.*)$" "http://host.docker.internal:9080/movie-api/api/movies$1" [P,auth]

RewriteRule "^/movies(.*)$" "http://host.docker.internal:9080/movie-api/api/movies$1" [P]

These rules will inspect the Http Method and if it matches POST, PUT or DELETE, it will evaluate the RewriteRule immediately following the RewriteCond block. Otherwise, it will continue evaluating the rules.

The auth flag tells TAG that a Security Profile needs to be verified when executing the RewriteRule, so credentials and/or roles can be checked.

You should still be in the Movie Route detail screen. To change the mod_rewrite rules, just click the TextArea containing the rules. Remove all the content and paste the new one from this sample.

The usage of the auth flag should expand an Authentication section. In the Security Profiles select, pick Basic Auth Profile. This will tell TAG that the user needs to authenticate with Basic Authentication of username and password to proceed with the request successfully.

route services 03 with conditions
Figure 3. Route with Conditions

Hit the Save button.


Use the Route Test Window by clicking the dropdown menu on the top right corner and hit Test. Let’s try to create a new movie:

Change the select box ´Method´ to ´POST´, use the URL ‘/movies’ in the ´Resource URL´ and the following JSON in the Payload section:

  "title": "The Terminator",
  "director": "James Cameron",
  "genre": "Sci-Fi",
  "year": 1984,
  "rating": 8
route services 04 post movie
Figure 4. Post Movie

Hit the button ‘Test’. You should now get a 401 Unauthorized. This is because Authentication is being applied since the calling method is a POST.

route services 05 post unauthorized
Figure 5. Unauthorized Request

Use the Route Test Window again with the same previous information. This time, let’s add the Basic Authentication information by using the option ‘Add Basic Auth’ in the dropdown menu. Fill in the Username and Password with the default account ‘admin/admin’.

route services 06 basic auth
Figure 6. Add Basic Authentication

We also need to add the Content-Type header to indicate we are sending JSON. To simplify, we are just going to say that our Content-Type is /. Click the + button next to Parameters and pick Add Header. A new row should open in the Parameters table. Add Content-Type in the Name and / in the Value.

route services 07 content type header
Figure 7. Add Content-Type header

Hit the button ‘Test’. You should now get a 200 OK response code.

route services 08 post ok
Figure 8. Response 200 OK

Finally, try to repeat the step where we get the list of the movies. In the browser of your choice, try to access the address http://localhost:8080/movies:

route services 09 list added
Figure 9. Movies List - Added Movie

Seems that the The Terminator is now on our movies list.


To stop TAG and the Movie App Sample run the following commands:

docker stop tag
docker stop movies

And if you want to completely remove the Docker containers run the following commands:

docker remove tag
docker remove movies


This guide was a quick introduction to the TAG Routes mechanism and the supporting engine of mod_rewrite. It taught you how to write a simple RewriteRule to proxy requests. This could be used to proxy websites, REST endpoints or any kind of traffic that goes through HTTP. It also taught you how to implement conditional behavior that controls how the rules are executed.

Routes with Proxy behavior is one of the most basic building blocks to build your orchestration layer on top of your API’s. Use it to route your clients based on your needs.