Thank you for joining the

Tribestream API Gateway
Beta Program

By signing up to the beta program, you'll be getting an inside look at the development of Tribestream API Gateway. You'll have a chance to shape how this microservices gateway works by providing feedback directly to our developers. You'll also be considered for exclusive access to early versions of the software.

Microservices Health Check with Elastic Load Balancer

Health Check
Master the art of load-balancing Health Check to detect failed or zombie servers. Configure HTTP and TCP count, timeout and intervals to optimize performance tuning.

Elastic Load Balancer
A Reverse Proxy That Automatically Distributes Traffic Across Multiple Servers While Making Your Applications Fault Tolerant, Highly Available And Reliable. Everything You Need To Improve Performance And Securely Scale.

Secure Elasticity
Dynamically add new hosts to a load-balancing group via API call to the security gateway. Use HTTP Signatures, OAuth 2, Basic Auth or a mix of methods with fine grained permissions to secure API calls.

Sign up now for access to Tribestream API Gateway
and connect directly with our developers!

Sign up is open from January 29th - February 4th, 2018

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