Basic Routes

RewriteRule Directive

To write your first Route, we need a Rewrite Rule. Let’s start with a simple one:

RewriteRule ^/tribestream$ [P]

A Rewrite Rule requires the directive RewriteRule followed by a pattern ^/tribestream$ to match the incoming request URL, a substitution to rewrite the request if matched, and finally one or more flags in square brackets [P, NE] to modify the behavior. The ^ and $ characters delimit the beginning and the end of the pattern to be matched.

Assuming that TAG is running in http://localhost:8080, this rule will match all the incoming requests to TAG to the URL http://localhost:8080/tribestream and Proxy to the substitute address due to the [P] flag.


A Route can have multiple Rewrite Rules and TAG can hold multiple Routes. The order in which these Routes and Rules are defined is important since TAG evaluates the rule set in order until a pattern is matched and a behavior applied at runtime. If no corresponding rule is matched, the request will be performed against the TAG server itself.

Another important consideration about Routes and Rewrite Rules is that they fall through, meaning that all rules of all routes are evaluated until a termination flag is found and the engine stop processing the rule set. Termination flags are behaviors that require the request to be handled immediately, like [P] when we want to Proxy, [R] if we want to Redirect or [F] if we want to Forbid the resource.

Also, once a substitution has occurred, the rules that follow are matched against the substituted value.

Consider the following Route:

RewriteRule ^/TRIBESTREAM$ /tribestream (1)
RewriteRule ^/tribestream$ [P] (2)
1 This rule will match http://localhost:8080/TRIBESTREAM and convert the URL to the lowercase tribestream. Since there is no termination flag, the next rule is evaluated.
2 The URL has been rewritten to tribestream due to the previous rule, so this rule matches. It will proxy the request to

Requests coming in as simple -http://localhost:8080/tribestream will ignore the first rule and of course match the second rule and also proxy the request to

Pattern Matching

The pattern portion of a Rewrite Rule is a Perl compatible regular expression. With that in mind, we can enhance the power of the rules we write:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [P]

This rule matches any pattern and proxy the request to

Some hints on the syntax of regular expressions:

Table 1. Regular Expressions Operators
Operator Description


Any single character


0 or 1 occurrences of the preceding text


0 or N occurrences of the preceding text (N > 0)


1 or N occurrences of the preceding text (N > 1)


Called an anchor, matches the beginning of the string


The other anchor, this matches the end of the string

( )

Groups several characters into a single unit

This is no way a complete representation of the regular expression vocabulary but should be enough to cover the most common cases. Is not this document goal to provide a comprehensive detailed reference to regular expressions. We recommend to check the following resources for additional information:


A Back-reference allows you to capture values in the RewriteRule pattern to use later on the substitution part in the form of $1, $2 until $n. Back-references are created whenever you use parentheses in the pattern expression.

RewriteRule ^/my-api(.*)$$1 [P] (3)

This rule will match any address that starts with /my-api and will capture the rest of the address in the back-reference $1 to use in the substitution address after

So assuming that a request is sent to TAG to the URL http://localhost:8080/my-api/my-service then the resulting proxy call will be executed at the address

Rewrite Rule Flags

The behavior of a Rewrite Rule can be modified by applying one or more flags at the end of the rule. One of the most common use cases in the TAG is to Proxy an incoming request to another resource using the [P] flag:

RewriteRule ^/tribestream$ [P]

You can forbid access to a resource with the [F] forbidden flag:

RewriteRule ^/forbidden$ - [F]

You can force a 410 - Gone status to a resource with the [G] gone flag:

RewriteRule ^/old-api$ - [G]

You can Redirect to another resource with the [R] redirect flag:

RewriteRule ^/tribestream$ [R]

Ignore case when matching pattern with the [NC] flag:

RewriteRule ^/TRIBESTREAM$ [NC,P]

TAG implements when possible the same behavior of each flag as documented in Apache Rewrite Flags. There are some exceptions. Please check the differences here.